On March 2, 1861 A bill was passed by the Senate which proposed an amendment to the US Constitution. Here is the text:
"No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State."
Basically, what the amendment proposed to do was prevent Congress from interfering with the institution of slavery, in the States that it existed in.
Two days later in his inaugural address, Lincoln made the following remarks:
""I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government
shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States,
including that of persons held to service. Holding such a
provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no
objection to its being made express and irrevocable."
The amendment was never ratified by the Constitutionally required 3/4 of the States. However, what is important is that Lincoln expressly endorsed the amendment, an amendment which would prevent the federal government from interfering with slavery.
If the South only wanted to "keep their slaves", then all they had to do was to stay within the Union.
This exposes the myth that the "Civil War was fought over slavery", as the politically correct lie that it is."
Friday, August 26, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Under The Yoke by S.M. Stirling - A Book Review

Under The Yoke is the sequel to S.M. Stirling's Marching Through Georgia
The book opens in 1947. The Second World War (titled the "Eurasian War" in this series)is over, the Draka now control all of Africa and Eurasia (with the exception of India). The remaining free nations of the world have created the "Alliance For Democracy", which includes the U.S. and the U.K., South America, Australia, India (which includes Pakistan and Myanmar), New Zealand, Japan and all of the South Pacific.
The war has left 200 million people dead; a cold war has begun between the Draka and the Alliance.
In Europe, the Draka are taking the methods they perfected in Africa, and bringing them to the heart of western civilization. All centers of education are closed down, radios are confiscated, curfews established, and every day more and more people are rounded up by the Draka military to be sent to state-owned factory compounds or sold into slavery.
The novel begins with two women, Marya Sokolowska, a Polish Nun and Chantel Lefarge, a French Communist are bought out of a detention center by a Draka named Tanya van Shrakenberg, who has just purchased a plantation in France.
Meanwhile, Finnish-American OSS agent Frederick Kustaa has just been inserted into Europe, his mission is to find an Austrian scientist who has knowledge of nuclear weapons that the Americans need for their weapons project.
While Lefarge and Sokolowska are forced to endure the horrors of slavery, Kustaa must make his way across a devasted Europe, find the scientist and extract him to safety. As the novel progresses it is revealed that Sokolowska is still a member of the French resistance and is to be Kustaa's contact.
Whereas Marching Through Georgia was a war story told from the perspective of the Draka, Under The Yoke is told from the perspective of the slaves. And it is not pretty. Stirling pulls almost no punches, murder, impalement and rape are all depicted in graphic detail.
But it is still a good novel, despite it's flaws.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
For Want Of A Nail by Robert Sobel - Book Review

For Want of a Nail was written by author Robert Sobel (1993-1999) in the year 1971. At that time Sobel, who was a business historian, was between contracts, and so wrote For Want of a Nail to give himself something to do.
Basically, the point of divergence occurs in 1777 when the British win the Battle of Saratoga, during the American Revolutionary War. In 1778 the colonists are forced to capitulate to the British, many of the Founding Fathers, such as George Washington, are imprisoned, while Thomas Jefferson and others are executed in London.
To remedy the causes of the war, the British reorganize the colonies into the Confederation of North America, giving the colonies more control over their own affairs while reserving some powers to Great Britain.
Many of the formers rebels leave the CNA to escape British rule. Heading west they occupy roughly the area that Texas would be in real life, and form the State of Jefferson, an independent country. In 1805, Mexico is engulfed in a drawn-out civil war, which Jefferson enters in 1817 when Andrew Jackson leads an army to capture Mexico City.
Jackson then engineers the combination of the two countries to form the United States of Mexico.
The book presents itself as a college-level history text from that world, covering the historical, political, social and economic events from 1763 to 1970.
This is probably the most detailed alternate history fiction ever written. And what's more impressive is that Sobel wrote it to give himself something to do in his spare time.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Republic: A Novel of America's Future by Charles Sheehan-Miles - A Book Review

Republic imagines a United States, somewhere in the near future, where taxes are at 60%, the economy is in a severe recession, and the US government has become oppressive and ignores the Constitution at will.
It begins in a small town in West Virginia. A labor dispute involving the local computer chip factory brings a violent response from the federal government. The main characters, employees at the factory, are also members of the West Virginia National Guard.
The federal governments response to the labor dispute is only the latest in a series of violent actions committed by the justice department. When the citizens of West Virginia decide that the only way to protect themselves and their rights, is to secede from the United States, the West Virginia National Guard is called upon to protect their state from the inevitable US invasion.
Simply put: this was an amazing and emotional novel. The characters were compelling as was the storyline. The pacing was particularly good, with only a few parts of the story getting in the way of an overall superb plot.
The author drew much of his inspiration for the novel from the federal government's actions in Waco, Texas and the 2001 Patriot Act.
Charles Sheehan-Miles deserves mention for the political angle of his book. Whereas other authors would have simply portrayed such a story from a left-wing or right-wing angle, Sheehan-Miles portrays it from a perspective that almost American can understand and sympathize with. This is particularly true with the subject of secession. It is presented not as a right-wing or "Neo-Confederate" idea, but as a last resort to protect the state and it's citizens from an overbearing federal government.
I don't read fiction very much, but I have read this book twice in the last six months. It's that important.
Read it for yourself.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
South Sudan
Monday, May 30, 2011
Historical Quote
"Fascism should rightly be called corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." - Benito Mussolini
Remember this quote so that the next time you're winning an argument with some rancid leftist, and they throw out the "fascist" epithet, you'll have something to beat them over their empty head with (metaphorically speaking).
Obama's nationalizing of GM is textbook corporatism. It's also unconstitutional. Something that his lickspittles conveniently fail to mention.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
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